What Is Your Relationship To Money?

18-Apr-2017 15:30:00 / by Carole-Anne Priest

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Many of us spend a significant amount of time worrying about the scarcity of money in our lives. A large number of us have also bought into the prevailing norm that money is a scarce commodity, one that needs to be relentlessly pursued, often at any cost.

Lynne Twist’s book ‘The Soul of Money,’ challenges us to change our perspective on money, and thus transform our relationship to it.

Myths About Money

According to Twist, there are three disempowering myths of scarcity around money that are so insidious it is nigh on impossible for many of us to escape them:

  • There’s not enough: this belief creates a fear base that underlies many of our decisions and actions.
  • More is better: this belief drives a competitive culture of accumulation, acquisition and greed that heightens fears and quickens the pace of the race, but doesn’t make life more valuable.
  • That’s just the way it is: this belief creates an environment of hopelessness and disempowerment.

The Soul Of Money asks us to take good hard look at both the myths, and the ways in which we have been conditioned to appropriate these myths as a means of justifying our own behaviours, even when those behaviours might not serve the greater whole. In fact, the back cover offers the following paragraph as an outline of book, one which is worth reflecting on:

“In a consumer society that glorifies the pitch, the sale, and the insatiable appetite for more as a measure of self-worth, The Soul of Money asks us to step back, to examine our relationship with money, to assess our connection with core human values, and to change this relationship and, in so doing, to transform our lives.”


Twist's book offers us the opportunity to acknowledge and integrate the possibility that "an act of generating, distinguishing, making known to ourselves the power and presence of our existing resources, and our inner resources" is exactly the type of shift we need to completely transform our personal and collective relationship to money. It gives us the opportunity to contemplate this perspective, and get in touch with the idea of there being ‘enough.’ Through the lens of enough, life takes on a very different perspective and offers us the potential for a very different experience.

Instead of viewing money from a perspective of scarcity, Twist offers alternatives:

  • What would life look like if we functioned from a foundation of sufficiency?
  • What happens if, when we have enough money, we use it wisely as stewards to provide for ourselves and for others, to create a legacy?
  • What happens when we become more concerned with allocation and less obsessed with accumulation?

The Soul Of Money guides the reader to explore a different way of approaching life, stretching us to go deeper into ourselves, to reach beyond the instinctual and learned feelings of insecurity, scarcity, fear, guilt, burden and behaviours like grasping, hoarding and holding onto money.

The book reminds us that Indigenous cultures built their societies on the principles of sustainability and sufficiency. Their ways of living uphold sharing and collaboration as being more important than looking after number one and personal accumulation.

Twist's writing highlights the inherent truths of our deeply human nature, where safety, security, sufficiency, freedom, purpose and generosity truly reside, despite thinking that only money holds these values for us.

The author also shares a transparent account of her own personal struggle and experiences, guiding the reader through the perils and promises of myths we have projected onto money in this day and age. Ultimately, The Soul Of Money invites us to let go of the money anxieties we have learned to hold personally and collectively and open ourselves to different possibilities. If we are able to change the stories we tell ourselves about money, that creates a foundation for creating different experiences in relation to money.


The Soul Of Money Institute was created by Lynne as a means of sharing the wisdom contained in her book, and to give individuals and organisations an opportunity to learn how to put the essence of Twist’s perspective into practice.

The Soul of Money Institute’s work is based upon the following principles:

  • Prosperity flows from sufficiency — the recognition of enough.
  • Each individual makes a difference.
  • What we appreciate appreciates.
  • Collaboration generates prosperity.
  • Our legacy is what we live – not what we leave.
  • Gratefulness is the heart of generosity.
  • Global citizenship is the natural outcome of an awakening consciousness.

To that end, the Institute provides transformational and educational programs that inspire and empower individuals, organisations, and institutions to:

  • Align the acquisition and allocation of their financial resources with their most deeply held values.
  • Move from an economy of fear, consumption, and scarcity, to an economy of sufficiency, sustainability, and generosity.
  • Generate an expanding flow of resources toward the affirmation of life and the common good.
  • Enable people to relate to money and the money culture with greater freedom, power, and effectiveness.

The Soul of Money shares in action and illustration what Buckminster Fuller, the futurist who invented the geodesic dome, said we need to change. That is, we need to transform the basis of our society from a competitive "you or me" basis, to a partnership oriented "you and me" basis.

The Soul of Money sets the tone for a very different examination of money than many of us might be used to. In fact, the book might be entitled 'The Soul of Money,' but it is really about our own soul and how and why we often eclipse it, dismiss it, or compromise it in our relationship with (and drive to accumulate) money. It provides a mirror that enables us to contemplate the way we get money, use money, give money, and / or sometimes just try to avoid thinking about money. The essence of the book inspires us to look for ways to find a new level of freedom, truth, and joy in our relationship with money; this strange, troubled, and wonderful part of our lives.

This inspiring book offers each of us a portal through which to awaken and use the unexamined mirror of our relationship with money to deliver a widespread transformation in all aspects of life. Twist says “Utimately, this book is a pathway to personal and financial freedom."

Here at Imalia, our mission is to offer different ways, balanced ways, harmonious ways, unifying and healing ways, for you to generate financial and personal independence in a way that results in abundance and at the same time benefits the whole. We hope that you feel inspired to investigate the ideas raised in The Soul of Money, and start telling yourself, and others, a different story about the role of money in our lives.

If you are inspired and would like to join the revolutionary movement that Imalia is creating, you can request to join our Facebook group The Wolfpack, to share ideas and learn from other like-minded women.

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Topics: Imalia, Empowering Women, The Soul of Money

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